Pancasila is Indonesian ideology

Since the proclamation of independence of Indonesia recited by Soekarno and Hatta in a straight and firmly want a state fair in all the life of the people of Indonesia. The base of the state and ideology Indonesia is Pancasila that contains 1) Belief in the only one God, 2) Humanity which just and civilized, 3) The union of Indonesia, 4) Society based led by the lesson from discretion in permusyawarahan parliament, and 5) Social justice for all Indonesian people. Pancasila has been agreed upon together as a cornerstone in making all the decisions in the life of a country.
Internalization of the ideology of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution becomes an obligation for all the people of Indonesia in carrying out daily life and keep order in world civilization.

The principle of belief in the only one god be an anvil in support of basic points later. Godhead in this case is universal, covering all the religions recognized by the state of Indonesia, Namely Islam, Christianty, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Khong hu cu. In this religion be the basis the formation of moral character and in accordance with the Indonesian people involving religion, because of course all the religions teaches good values with the characteristics of each religion. In addition in the value of the deity also contain the meaning of religious orders and leave the ban run with deep religious faith, of course with the fulfillment of an obligation to adapt without reducing the state each religiousness religious values. In this concept there are harmonious relations between adherent of the (islam, christian, catholic, hindhu, buddhist, khong hu cu) as a whole which were all is the responsibility of all people of Indonesia. So, although Indonesian citizens embraced each religion by running the whole religious activities they also have an obligation on the activity of national statecraft. Thus the state of being a fastener to religion (islam, christian, catholic, hindhu, buddhist, khong hu cu) that getting along and side by side in a state of Indonesia.

With religious values chime values nationality who implemented in everyday life will estabilish a moral and a human character Indonesia that civilized, so in his heart will grow into a sense of humanity toword others of mankind and the surrounding environment. The Indonesian people have a sense of sensitive to all forms of humanitarian violation of which is seen because in this case there is a violation of civility and humanity become law without a universal distinguish between religion and of certain countries. 

With religious values, national embedded preformance of Indonesian people, then the humanities without distinguishing character of religious and racial in some countries, even eith nature around Indonesia the union will aoutomatically bring people of Indonesia. it is based on the shared Indonesian people regardless of religion, a race, or of different kinds in this country. A sense of tolerance of difference the people of Indonesia and a sense of togetherness of the suffering of the people of Indonesia is an accumulation of religious values, nationality and humanity has been embedded in the human heart of Indonesia. will eventually bring the country without the union should be held together, becaouse the Indonesian people have fused into one of the many kinds of difference.

To ensure the wholeness of the people of Indonesia has become manifest unity Indonesia a stout in terms of morality, the character and intellectuality Indonesians hance the base the state based on democracy. Was that supposed to mean the people who mentality, healthy the character and intelllectuality in an ideal manner a determiner the course of an countries. Every citizen of Indonesia participate in determining the course of Indonesia’s state without exception. With the use of the entire Indonesia citizens by the state without discriminating based on race, religion, language, automatically there is a large space in determining the direction of state policy. To implement all desire and aspirations of Indonesian people is so great sabang – merauke set until the principle of representation. That is all the desire of the people of Indonesia be distributed throurgh  representatives of the people chosen by elections, which is the representatives of the channel all desires and aspirations of Indonesian society through a council meeting in DPRD, DPR RI, MPR RI. Then through a meeting wisdom, wise, and courtesy to the interests of all residents of Indonesia with executive board set policy in accordance with the desire of the people who carrled out through the excecutive agency countries led by the president and assisted by the minister. So that all policies are determined by by the state desire and aspirations of people sourced from Indonesia were distributed by representatives of the people. Finally came the motto of the people, by the people and to the people.

The end result or product of all countries through determined policy had been sourced from the people representative healthy morality, the character and intellectuality will achieve social justice for all Indonesian people. Justice in this matter is justice in all aspects of life of the people of good in the fields of social, the economy, political, law and so forth. So that formed the order of Indonesian people fair, wealthy and prosperous.

These are the Indonesian nation in determining his metion to embody some Indonesians and world order just social formulated in PANCASILA. The aim of the formation of the goverment of Indonesia according to 1945 constitusion draft was protecting Indonesian nation is better than the threat from the outside and inside promote the public welfare to educate the people, and in excercising global order on independence, lasting peace and social justice. So, there are two basic the purpose of the Indonesian nation, advance the public welfare, to educate the nation life. Meanwhile the purpose of development formulated in the world to participate in carrying out the world order based on independence (freedom from all the form of occupation and oppression), lasting peace and social justice.

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